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Главная » 2015 » Январь » 16 » дз 9б на вторник, 20.01.14
дз 9б на вторник, 20.01.14

1) выучить диалог:

-Have you ever travelled by air?
-Yes, I have travelled from Moscow to Spain.
-How was it?
-It was all right but I was a bit airsick.
-Weren't you afraid? I'm always very scared when I have to travel by plane.
-No, I usually read a book and think about positive moments. You should try to do the same.
-I definitely should! But I prefer travelling by car or by train. Sometimes I have to leave for other Russian cities and travelling by train I can relax and be sure that the ground is under my feet.
- You're right, however there are overseas countries which you can't reach without going by air.
- Well, in that case I would go by ship. To my mind water is safer than air.
- Anyway the safest way is to travel on foot. 

2) составить таблицу, вписать по 5 вещей в каждую колоночку:

  • things I MUST do this week
  • things I HAVE TO do this week
  • things I NEED do this week
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